Computer Science

Mind Map

Computer Science - English Learning Experience

Opinion Article #1  (2017-2018)

The sixth mass extinction will start in 2100

By: Laura Alejandra Thomas Monroy 10b

According to Daniel Rothman, a geophysical of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), the human being is on the way to a chain of events that would end in the next massive extinction of Earth in 2100. In the history of the Earth there have been five events of massive extinction, one of them is the extinction of Permian in which 95% of all marine life disappeared. Daniel Rothman says he found the 'threshold of catastrophe' within the carbon cycle. Certain changes in that process and the the planet's inability to adapt, could cause the environment to become unstable.

In his study he included the five past events of mass extinction that have happened on Earth. All five extinction events have a common cause: carbon. As the breathing organisms inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, and the plants do the opposite; the planet normally circulates the carbon between the atmosphere and the ocean. But when that process is affected, Earth's climate gets out of control, either by adding too much carbon from a single source or by removing the plants which are in charge of turning the carbon dioxide into oxygen.

According to Rothman, if the carbon cycle continues to be affected through human actions, we would reach a point of imbalance and it would end in a mass extinction. Does this mean that the world will end in 2100? Not exactly. Rothman's calculations says that massive extinction would happen in 2100, but environmental disasters would start being seen after 10,000 years. However, until 2100, our activities could have been potentiated and we do not know if that would accelerate the catastrophe process.

It is not a secret that our planet has got huge troubles and most of them are a consequence of the human selfish throughout ages. Nowadays we are finally feeling the impact of what we have done with a planet that does not belong to us. Even though is true that the quarrels generated by discordances between countries or any groups of people have often regrettable results, the environmental damage, in my opinion, is the most worrying issue we face and that leave us only misery and sorrow. Environmental trouble is the only one that is almost impossible to solve because the damage we cause to the earth is irreversible in many ways. We have reached a point where is necessary to start caring about our only big home.
The first step to make a difference is to be aware of the world around us. Then we must stop waiting for something to happen or to someone who comes and fix our problems, because they are OUR problems and they are OUR responsibility. We need to stop being a conformist society and start making big differences, not just small things as advertisements tell us.
Imagen relacionada
The new generations are the ones who have the world in their hands; we have to decide if we will raise it up or let it down. But if we really want to advance as humanity, we must start now. We need to start discussing about the things that are wrong and find alternatives, we have to start thinking how to promote sustainable development, we must building with our own hands a better society.
I am seriously tired of hearing that the new generations are lost and that times were better before, because there is a reason why the world is now falling and it comes from many years ago. Our generation is not lost, we are the hope of our future but to make real the idea of a change we must be willing do something since now.


- Catastrophe: A natural disaster which is not predicted and has terrible consequencies.
- Willing: Being prepared to do something whith a good actitude.
- Sustainable: That is regulated with the objective of using less than producing.

English level:



Opinion article IV “Young people solve problems using technology”
By: Laura Alejandra Thomas Monroy 9A

The technology company Cisco, through its Corporate Social Responsibility Program, is inviting young people over 18 years old or graduates from school, no matter their career, to participate in the Global Problem Challenge. The object of this program is to make new generations develop skills that allow them to solve global problems.

Resultado de imagen para medio ambiente tecnologia
The project presented must answer the question 'How will the new technology or service that is proposed help to benefit the economy, the society or the environment?' The prizes to be awarded amounts to $300,000. which 100 thousand dollars for the first place and other prizes like 'The favorite of the public', in which the chosen one will receive 10,000 dollars.
The convocation, opened around the world, will receive proposals until may 30, 2017, and the winner will be announced on June 29 of this year. The areas in which projects must have an impact are:

  • Industrial and economic development.
  • Critical needs for the human being (food, water, shelter or disaster recovery).
  • Health.
  • Economic empowerment or financial inclusion.
  • Education
  • Enviroment
  • Connectivity

Resultado de imagen para jovenes ideas
Some the digital technologies that participants can use are Intelligent connectivity (smart homes, smart cities, smart energy), connected transport, Big Data, analytics, cloud computing. The proposals will be reviewed by Cisco experts who will evaluate the level of innovation and digitization, feasibility to make it, being clear in the presentation of the proposal and the potential impact it could have in order to solve a social or environmental problem.
To take into account young people’s ideas, is necessary, in order to find innovation and solutions and new generations may be the key. I recommend teens and young people to read more about the problems which we are dealing with, because they might have a great idea. It is quite important to support this kind of initiatives, because nowadays, our world has a lot of environmental and many other problems and often the solutions for those problems are in mind of young people, who actually could change the course of our society.      

  • Award: To give a prize to someone in order to recognize something.
  • Digitize: To put information into the form of a series of the numbers 0 and 1, usually so that it can be understood and used by a computer.
  • Empowerment: The process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you.
  • Connectivity: The ability of a computer, program, device, or system to connect with one or more others.


Opinion article III “What would you do to get many likes in social networks?”
By: Laura Alejandra Thomas Monroy 9A

Nowadays social network plays an important role in our lives and for many people it’s an useful and essential tool. However they have created an increasing social pressure in our society. Due to the wrong use that we have given it, in many cases it feeds or destroys people’s self-esteem. A clear example of this, are the “likes”. Those are used to vote people’s popularity, either for stand out its beauty, intelligence and other qualities or for judge and make fun of them.

Resultado de imagen para likesAccording to a study made by the company Kaspersky Lab, in the need of social validation, one of every ten people, would lie in social networks to get more “likes”. Although this sounds strange, that phenomenon is more common in men. Also the study reveals that the nine percent of men and the five percent of women would publish a photo in underwear or even naked; and the 13 percent of men and 7 percent of women, would publish something confidential or shameful about anybody else.
That kind of behaviors encourages the dependency to the social networks. People start being more interesting in the number of “likes” they get, than in their real lives, so they become careless about the really important things. The search of “likes” is now a career that we got to win at any price, even if it involves to destroy our privacy and the others’ dignity.
Resultado de imagen para likesBy the other hand, it could become dangerous, as long as we can’t be able to set a limit between our privacy and social media. It’s necessary that we learn to be careful about the the information we share with others. To reveal every detail about our lives (our location, where we use to do and to go, where we work or study, etc.) could be quite risky, because today there are several crimes related to social networks. For example, some people steal photos shared at the network, of course not any photo, they steal photos in underwear, bikini, and that kind of images. Then they use them in adult websites or even for abuse and blackmail.
Imagen relacionada
We often worry too much about how people react to what we post on social networks. Because of all that, I will also suggest that we would start taking advantage of the huge reach that the social media has, we got to make it a strength and not a weakness. To achieve this, it’s necessary that we take care of ourselves and the kind of data we post in our social networks. Besides it, we should use the “likes” as a tool to let society know about the thing that happen around us, and not to judge or vote people. However, the truth is that the world is not binary, it has more nuances beyond the likes.

Resultado de imagen para glossary


Digital Audio Manual


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Click to see the master document about the digital audio.

Opinion Article II “Weaving peace, also in the network”

By: Laura Alejandra Thomas Monroy 9A

I’ve just read an article, which talked about the importance of knowing that our country is going to begin a new era, with the signing of peace agreement. And technologies play an important role in this topic.
For example, a debate that has flooded the entire social networks in Colombia is definitely, the plebiscite for the peace. As we all know, there are two sides in the plebiscite, the “agree” and the “against”. Most of the people that give its opinion, don’t even know what the agreement is about, and just follow what anyone else says. The ones who give real arguments for the side they are defending are few.
Of the above, we can understand the big range that the networks have. But out of the peace agreement, we can weave peace from here. And a useful tool to do it is the social media. However it hasn’t been used appropriately and in many cases it feeds or destroys people’s self-esteem. A clear example of this, are the “likes”. Those are used to vote people, either for stand out its beauty, intelligence and other qualities or for judge and make fun of them.
To conclude, it’s important to say that nowadays, the social networks are used to create wars, judging everyone, everything, because of anything, and without guns they are destroying and damaging the same. How are we going to build a peaceful environment in the real world, if we cannot be in peace with the other at the virtual world? We got to learn to build up the peace, first of all, on ourselves and then around us. As I said before a useful tool to do it, is the social networks (used in properly way). As they have that big range and impact on our society, it would be necessary to transmit others a peace consciousness.

Source: Revista ApuntesDeFamilia  Artículo: Tejiendo la paz... También en la Red.
  •  Adriana Patricia Guzmán de Reyes, decana de la Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de la Sabana

Opinion Article I “Why do technology initiatives fail?”

By: Laura Alejandra Thomas Monroy

Nowadays, technology business initiatives are growing up. And, although some of them have been successful, at least ninety percent do not go ahead. The main reasons for this event are:

  • There are not clear goals:
When the members of a team do not have clear objectives, it will become hard to take decisions related to what they want to reach.

  • Wrong strategies:
Often the way to develop an idea is not the best. It could be incomplete, made up in the wrong order or based on wrong information.

  • Technology does not fit:
Sometimes the technology used in their business is too advanced and hard to use. It does not satisfy the customers’ wishes.

  • Marketing issues:
If a product does not have an established market, or it is too small, the idea could fail.

  • Overoptimism:
This one is probably the main mistake of the enterprises. As they are too optimistics, they are sure that it will be easy to get customers. It could be right at first, however once the product or service have some, it is necessary to think about how to keep them while getting more.

Even though there are many and pretty complicated troubles when starting a technology enterprises, there are also ways to have success in this kind of business.

As I said before it is necessary to have clear goals, to know how to develop the ideas, making sure that your product or service is appropriate to the market and being realistic and informed about what customers demand.

Another important fact is that you mustn’t ignore signs. Usually companies ignore minor problems, just because it is not themselves responsibility or it does not represent a big trouble. It is important to be careful of every single detail which is not working right.

To conclude. starting a technology enterprise is an useful tool to develop a good idea. And, as long as you can manage it in the correct way, it could be very successful.

Source:  Artículo: ¿Por qué fallan las iniciativas de tecnología


Presentación sobre robot aerodeslizador

Presentación Prezi: Robótica

Hola! Este es un manual de introducción a la imagen y a la imagen digital preparado para ti, haz click en la imagen para verlo.

Haz click en pantalla completa y en play para ver el siguiente mapa mental, en el cual encontrarás un complemento al manual que acabas de ver, acerca del concepto de imagen y los elementos que la caracterizan, para profundizar en la imagen digital y sus características, diferenciando las dos ramas, en las que se divide: Imagen vectorial y Mapa de bits, así como para identificar las ventajas y desventajas de cada una.

Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por L.Aleja.Thomas

6 comentarios:

  1. Grado Octavo.
    Valoración Trabajo de Consulta, Organización y Publicación de Información
    Experiencia 1 - Manual Imagen Digital Parte II - Publicación y Evaluación

    Criterio 1:
    Tipos de Imagen digital: OK
    Ventajas y Desventajas: Ok
    Formatos de Imagen digital: Ok
    Características de la imagen digital: Ok
    Programas para edición de la imagen digital: Ok
    Diseño Manual en Publisher: Ok
    Organización en Mapa Mental: Ok

    Nivel Criterio 1: 7

    Criterio 2:
    Publicación del Mapa mental: OK
    Publicación del Manual en Publisher: OK
    Mapa Mental
    - Textos claros y cortos: Ok.
    - Uso de imágenes y ramas por colores: Ok
    Manual en Publisher
    - Entendible, buena síntesis: Ok.
    - Diseño: Ok
    Ortografía, uso de mayúsculas/munúsculas, tildes: Ok

    Nivel Criterio 2: 7

    Criterio 3:
    Cuenta con su Blog Académico: OK
    Tiene publicado el mapa mental y el manual solicitado: Ok
    Participó de manera activa, efectiva y efeciente de los documentos maestros: OK
    Participó con comentarios asertivos de al menos un Blog de un compañero: OK
    Tiene su portafolio digital, debidamente organizado: OK

    Nivel Criterio 3: 7

  2. Observación: El trabajo es Excelente, corresponde a lo solicitado, fácil de entender
    diseño creativo, buena redacción, el mapa es una excelente síntesis.

  3. Experiencia 1- Periodo 3-Construcción MiniRobot
    Excelente trabajo. Felicitaciones !!!!

    Criterio 1:
    Valoración: 7.
    El documento es claro y concreto. Muy completo.

    Criterio 2:
    Valoración: 7
    El minirobot funcionó de acuerdo a los requerimientos
    Hizo su exposición a los jóvenes de otro grado.

    Criterio 3
    Valoración: 7
    Publicó las presentaciones sobre Robótica y el MiRobot

  4. Article opinion 1. Observations:


    Article: 7
    Title: Ok
    Topic: It's very interesting.
    Introduction/Summaraize: Ok
    Opinions: Ok
    Conclusions or Suggestions: Ok
    Image: Ok
    Presentation: Ok
    Source: Missing

    English: The W&I level is B2+, but you have some red words. Final level: B2

  5. Blog review

    Some possible answers
    • Complete – Incomplete - Missing
    • Understable, clear – Unclear
    • Missing - Ok
    • Wrong in Spelling – Spelling is Ok
    • Grammar error – Grammar is Ok
    • The presentation can be better – The presentation is Ok
    • It doesn’t open – The link is Ok

    Reviewed by:
    1. Pages (Math, Spanish, Social Studies, English, Computer Science): complete. Grammar error
    2. Title of the Second Experience (Digital Video/Image/Audio Manual) and Title of the Third Experience (Opinion Article #1): complete, Grammar is Ok
    3. Infographic / Mind Map (good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, pictures, colors, English): complete, Grammar is Ok
    4. Master document and Synthesis Links: it doesn’t open
    5. Master Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific): it doesn’t open
    6. Synthesis Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, synthesis, English): it doesn’t open
    7. Opinion Article (Title, summary, opinions, suggestions, image, source, good style, English level): complete, Grammar is Ok

    General observations and suggestions (What was the better and the worst for you. Blog Style. Really could you learn something with the blog?):
    Co-evaluation (Grade):3

  6. Opinion article III
    Good work, very good organization and the design is pleasing to the eye. The meme is a good addition and the glossary is very complete
